How-To: Running an Extended Ping


    This guide will show you how to use ping within the NetBrain environment, both as a dedicated node in a runbook and using the Qapp attached.

    Note: This guide assumes you know how to import a Qapp.

    Use Case (is this for you?)

    Extended ping is an essential tool for network troubleshooting; testing reachability, delay, connectivity etc. Including it in your NetBrain workflow allows for visualization of results, and for easily running a ping on multiple devices concurrently.


    Ping from a Runbook

    First example we'll be looking at is running a ping from the "ping" node in a runbook.

    1. Open a fresh runbook on any map you want to work on
    2. Click the "+" and add a "ping" node
    3. You can now select the source and destination devices and interfaces. Any node discovered within NetBrain or NetBrain Front Server will appear as selectable. The destination can also be an IP not within the NetBrain Domain
    4. Click the gear icon next to the "Ping" button to modify the ping settings such as packet size and timeout
    5. Click "ping" to run the ping and see results populate below


    Ping using a Qapp

    The Qapps attached allow you to run a ping.

    Running the Qapp

    Import the Qapp and add it to a runbook as a Qapp node:

    1. Under "Input" click on the "PingList" table. 
    2. Add rows indicating the pings you wish to run (importing a .csv is also supported)

    input table

    1. Once the values are entered, run the Qapp
    2. After running, results should be visible on the map
    Understanding Qapp Results
    • Devices are highlighted to indicate success rate
    • Key information is displayed under each device

    ping success

    • In the event of a ping failure, a note is added to the map with details on the failed ping

    ping failure

    To learn more about Ping, please see Netbrain online help

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