Complete Device Discovery Using an IP List

    Complete Device Discovery Using an IP Address List

    The NetBrain Administrator is looking to discover a large list of IP Addresses, but does not want to risk input errors or sub-dividing the list across multiple batches.  NetBrain provides the ability for the NetBrain Administrator to bulk import IP Addresses into the Discover interface using a text file.


    NetBrain User Account Pre-Requisites

    NetBrain requires that a user account with the following privilege level be available in the NetBrain system to complete the steps defined in this article.

    User Account

    NetBrain Domain Privilege Level (Minimum)

    Standard User

    Domain Management


    1. Using Notepad++ (or equivalent), create a list of IP Addresses in one of the following formats:
      • Newline Delimited
      • Comma Delimited
      • Semi-Colon Delimited
    2. Save the file with a .txt extension and exit the editor.
    3. Log into the NetBrain End User interface with an account that has Domain Management privileges.
    4. From the main user interface desktop, navigate to the Quick Access Toolbar, click on the Domain Name.
    5. In the Domain Selection dialog, click "Manage Domain".
    6. In the Domain Management interface, click "Discover".
    7. In the Discover interface, click "Import IP List"

    Image - Domain Management (Discover Interface)

    1. Navigate to the location of the device list .txt file to import, then click "Open".
    2. After a few seconds the IP address list included in the txt file will appear, confirm the list and then click "Start Discovery" to initiate the Discovery task.










    Image - Domain Management (Discover Interface)



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