Which Front Server is Used During Discovery?

    Which Front Server is Used During Discovery?

    In NetBrain environments where multiple Front Servers are deployed, how does a NetBrain Administrator know which Front Server gets used to complete the Discover task?  Is this performed round-robin?  Is the function locked to the Front Server that originally discovered the device?



    NetBrain has two different approaches depending on whether the device is being newly discovered or if it is being rediscovered as part of a System Task or refresh operation.

    • New Discovery: NetBrain will start at the top of the Front Server list in the Domain Network Settings and try each until the Front Server is successful or runs of Front Servers to use.
    • Rediscovery: NetBrain will first use the Front server associated with the device, then attempt to use each Front Server configured in the Domain Network Settings in the order displayed.


    To validate the configured order of Front Servers in the NetBrain Domain:

    1. Log into the NetBrain End User interface with an account that has Domain Management privileges.
    2. From the main user interface desktop, navigate to the Quick Access Toolbar, click on the Domain Name.
    3. In the Domain Selection dialog, click "Manage Domain".
    4. In the Domain Management interface, click "Operations", then "Discover Settings", then "Network Settings".
    5. In the Network Settings interface, click the "Front Server" tab to display the Front Servers.

    Image - Domain Mangement (Network Settings)

    NetBrain Tip - In larger NetBrain environments where mutliple NetBrain Domains are configured, not all Front Servers will be displayed.  Only Front Servers associated with the currently selected NetBrain Domain will be listed. 



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