Increase the Front Server SSH Login Timeout

    When attempting to discover network devices the NetBrain Administrator is encountering issues performing device discovery, specifically SSH timeouts.

    When reviewing the Device Discovery log, the following error is observed:

    SSH to device via dnbt1lc9a002(
    Connecting failed, error code: 1080, error description: Timeout.

    This article describes how to perform the necessary reconfiguration to extend the SSH timeout to the Network Devices.


    Solution: Linux Front Server

    1. Using PuTTY (or equivalent), connect to the Linux Front Server with an account that has root permissions.
    2. At the command prompt, navigate to the NetBrain Front Server service conf directory

    cd /usr/lib/netbrain/frontserver/conf

    NetBrain Tip: If the NetBrain Front Server service has been installed in a different directory, the path where the file lives may be different.  The directory where the fix_livesetting.ini file is found can be determined with the "find / -name fix_livesetting.ini" command.
    1. Using vi (or equivalent), open the fix_livesetting.ini for editing.
    2. Locate the value SSHConnectTimeout and increase value.

    Image - fix_livesetting.ini file (Linux)

    1. Save and close the fix_livesetting.ini file
    2. Restart the NetBrain Front Server service 

    service netbrainfrontserver restart

    1. Confirm that the NetBrain Front Server service has successfully restarted

    service netbrainfrontserver status

    1. Disconnect from the Linux Front Server.
    2. Repeat steps 1-8 for each Linux Front Server in your deployment.
    3. Log into the NetBrain End User Interface and attempt device rediscovery.


    Solution: Windows Front Server

    1. Using Microsoft Remote Desktop (or equivalent), connect to the Windows Front Server with an account that has Administrator permissions.
    2. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the NetBrain Front Server service conf directory

    C:\Program Files\NetBrain\Front Server\conf

    NetBrain Tip: If the NetBrain Front Server service has been installed in a different directory, the path where the file lives may be different.  The directory where the fix_livesetting.ini file is found can be determined using Windows search.
    1. Using Notepad++ (or equivalent), open the fix_livesetting.ini for editing.
    2. Locate the value SSHConnectTimeout and increase value.

    Image - fix_livesetting.ini file (Windows)

    1. Save and close the fix_livesetting.ini file
    2. Using Windows Services console (services.msc), restart the NetBrain Front Server Service ​​​​​.​
    3. Disconnect from the Windows Front Server.
    4. Repeat steps 1-7 for each Windows Front Server in your deployment.
    5. Log into the NetBrain End User Interface and attempt device rediscovery.


    Integrated Edition 8.02Integrated Edition 8.03

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