NetBrain Service Log Locations

    NetBrain Service Log Locations

    The NetBrain Administator is working with NetBrain Technical Support and has been asked to collect service logs so that their issue can be further diagnosed.  Where does the NetBrain service logs exist on the servers and what are their functions?



    The NetBrain Service logs will exist on the OS drive/partition where the main application has been installed.  The table below assumes the starting directory ("./" or ".\") is the NetBrain Integrated Edition installation directory.

    ComponentLog folderLog file nameLog description
    NetBrain Windows Services
    Task Engine.\Task Engine\logstask-engine.logMain Service Log
    Web Server.\Web Server\nb_publish_server\logNg.logWeb Server log
    Worker.\Worker Server\logRMAgent_hostname.logMain Service Log
    .\Worker Server\log\
    log.txtEV shell log
    .\Worker Server\log\
    NBLog.logWorker shell log
    Front Server
    .\Front Server Controller\log\fscfsc.logThe log of FSC
    direct.logFSC task dispatch
    data_recv.logReceive data from FS
    res_data.logData dispatch logs
    net_business.logCommunication log
    net.logCommunication log
    DEWriter.logDE writing log
    Front Server.\Front Server\log\frontsvrfs.logMain process log
    AllRD.logResource data sync
    apisvrAPI access log
    data_recvDLA/DTG - Errors Only
    Dispatch.logFS receiving tasks from FSC
    fspag.logFS dispatches task to Parser
    Device login and CLI commands
    proxyServer.logSnmp to the devices
    Scheduler_Priority.logCLI task priority
    Scheduler_Monitor.logMonitor the scheduler in FS
    fsnet.logCommunication log
    .\Front Server\log\fsparserfsp.logParser log
    fspnet.logCommunication log
    .\Front Server\logpythonerror.logPython error log
    Service MonitorC:\ProgramData\Netbrain\nbagent\logsreceiver.logtask receiving
    collector.logdata collection
    forwarder.logdata forwarding
    nbagent.logMain process log
    NetBrain Linux Services  
    MongoDB./log/mongodb/logmongod.logMain Service Log
    Elasticsearch./log/elasticsearchelasticsearch.logMain Service Log
    License Agent./log/netbrainlicenselicensed.logMain Service Log
    Rabbitmq./log/rabbitmqrabbit@hostname.logMain Service Log
    Redis./log/redisredis-master.logMain Service Log
    Service Monitor./log/netbrain/nbagentreceiver.logtask receiving
    collector.logdata collection
    forwarder.logdata forwarding
    nbagent.logService monitor log




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